This guide is for people looking at whether they can access free school meals for their child and if they can, how to get them. This guidance applied to children of school age in England.

Universal free school meals
Every child in the following school years can get free school meals regardless of their parents' immigration status;
Reception year
Year 1
Year 2
You do not need to make any application to the school or council for these and they are provided automatically, unless you choose to send your child to school with a packed lunch.
Free school meals from year 3 onwards - People in receipt of benefits
Free school meals from year 3 have usually relied on receiving certain types of benefits to be eligible. So if you are in receipt of something like universal credit, income support or child tax credit you can apply through your child's school for free school meals. More information can be found here.
Free school meals - Asylum seekers and refused Asylum seekers
Families who have an asylum claim and are in receipt of asylum support can access free school meals for their children.
You can provide evidence to the school such as the letter granting you support from the Home Office.
Free school meals from year 3 onwards - People with NRPF / without leave to remain
You may be able to get free school meals for your child if you;
You are a Zambrano carer and your income is below a certain threshold.
You have leave to remain in the UK on private or family life grounds with a condition of NRPF and your income is below a certain threshold.
You are a household with NRPF and are being supported under Section 17 Children Act 1989 (help from social services) with accommodation and/or financial support. This includes families with no leave to remain in the UK.
In addition to the above you must also meet the income threshold which currently is;
less than £31,500 in London.
less than £28,200 in London.
You can provide evidence of your child's eligibility by, for instance, copying your biometric card and leave information or if you are supported by social services, a letter from your social worker confirming support or a copy of your child in need assessment.
You may need to complete a self declaration. Templates can be found from Project 17 here.
Primary school aged children in London
The Mayor of London has announced free school meals for all children of primary school age in London for the next academic year (2023-2024). This means that this eligibility will begin from September 2023 according to latest information.
TwMC welcomes this as it will extend eligibility to many groups of children who have previously been ineligible for free school meals due to their immigration status.
How to apply
If you think you are eligible for free school meals your child's school should be able to help you. Details of suggested evidence to show your eligibility. is above and in the two links below.
The full guidance from the Government can be found here.