Securing Migrant Children and Young People's belonging, identity and safety

Helpful resources and links
This section of our website contains guides and advice sheets on common topics we provide advice on as well as links to other organisations and general advice that people might find helpful.
TwMC Guides and advice
Immigration advice and useful resources
We do not provide immigration advice. The following resources might be helpful for those seeking immigration advice. If you are a family working with us, we will arrange immigration advice for you.
Change of conditions applications.
We do not do advice or work on change of conditions applications. The Unity Project provide advice and guides on change of conditions applications. They also provide useful resources to support people in making their own applications.
General information about asylum and immigration
The immigration and asylum system is rapidly changing. We strongly advise anyone with immigration difficulties to seek personalised advice. If we are working with you we can support you to access immigration advice. If you are unsure where to go, you can contact us and we can provide signposting to immigration advice services. The following are useful sources of general advice about the immigration system.
Right to Remain Toolkit
Provides extensive advice and guidance in several languages predominantly about the asylum system in the UK.
Free movement
A useful resource of news and updates on UK immigration and asylum.