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01865 528 658

Call us if you have an urgent enquiry or referral.

9am-5pm Monday to Friday




Young people, families or professionals can email us. Just send us some information about your enquiry. All enquiries are screened and then we will provide advice, accept a referral or case or signpost you to another organisation who can help.


We aim to respond to all new enquiries in 3 working days

Who we help​

We provide advice, advocacy, long-term casework and family support to children, young people and families impacted by immigration control. We can help


  • Children, young people and families who need extra help and support due to their immigration status. We work with everyone regardless of their status in the UK. (Please note that we do not provide immigration advice directly but work with other organisations on immigration matters).


  • Children, young people and families who are living in poverty, have unsuitable accommodation or who are destitute due to their immigration position. 


  • Children and families seeking asylum in the UK.


  • Young people who have come to the UK unaccompanied. 


  • Children, young people and families reunifying in the UK


  • We work with children aged 0-18 and their families. We will also work with care leavers up to age 21 where they are already working with us prior to turning 18 or have a specific issue relation to migration and care leaver duties.




What we do


We do an initial assessment and advice and then come up with a plan for each child and family unique to them, which offers them the support they would like. We provide a range of different projects and do lots of different things to support children and young people in migration. These include;


  • Assessment (social work) for immigration purposes - We have supported families with specialist assessment previously to challenge deportation decisions, give evidence in applications for leave to remain and appeals and look at the best interests of children in immigration decisions. 


  • Advice and casework - Families are given a named keyworker who will work with them on issues such as NRPF conditions, poverty, housing and destitution, asylum support, finding a solicitor and accessing legal advice, making applications for legal aid funding and supporting with practical things like grants and things people need. 


  • Unaccompanied minors and age disputes - We can provide casework and intensive support for young people who have come to the UK unaccompanied and work holistically to ensure medical, mental health, legal and social needs are met. We have a specialist age dispute project that can provide litigation friends and intensive, tailored casework support alongside legal practitioners.


  • Family support - We can provide tailored family support for families in a variety of circumstances. This has included in the past supporting children to make sense of immigration, supporting children and families reunifying in the UK, a listening ear, parenting support, advice when children's services are involved with a family, befriending and mentoring.


  • Groupwork and activities - Lots of people who come to us for casework and family support also join our groups. We currently run a parents group, mother and baby group and a children's group throughout the year. We also run annual activity programmes for children, young people and families that we work with.


More detailed information on our projects and work is available here.

Where we work

We work throughout England and Wales, although the majority of our work is in London and the South East of England. Our office is based in a children and family centre in East Oxford.


We run sessions in different places, making it as easy as possible to meet with your keyworker and access advice. We run outreach and advice sessions in places like; 

  • Hackney Migrant Centre

  • Oxford


We deliver a lot of work in people's homes through Home Visiting and in other community spaces like schools and community centres. We also deliver some of our work online and on the phone.


Oxford advice and support



Whilst we work all over England, our main office is located in East Oxford. Any family with an immigration problem, housing / money problems as a result of their immigration position or any of the other issues that we work with can get advice from us. Give us a call or email us to book an appointment to come and see us.

©2021 by Together with Migrant Children. Together with Migrant Children is a registered charity (CIO) in England and Wales. Registration 1173265.

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